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Drowning in secrets and art, this tale follows a daughter’s journey to solve her mother’s story of mysterious encounters with a stranger.

Crime & Canvas is a true story, containing art and handwritten notes that have been pieced together by a daughter wedged in the middle of a 1990s mystery. It all started with her mother working at a flea market in an obscure town in southern Florida who was approached by a stranger. This stranger just happened to be a guilt-ridden, billionaire, art thief. In an attempt to make right with the art world and fix his wrongdoings, he sold off authentic paintings from artists like Van Gogh and Picasso for only a few dollars to her mother. Little did anyone know that those interactions and that art would soon catapult into something much deeper and darker.

A fake death, media corruption, and crimes committed like the ones shown in films became a reality. A reality where secrets come to light and some of the world’s largest unsolved art crimes would be solved.

Before leaving a review, please consider that this book is a true story about my family's extraordinary and sometimes unbelievable experience. Sharing such a personal and complex story has been challenging, especially as someone who isn't a professional writer. I've done my best to stick to the facts and present the events as accurately as possible, but I understand that the truth can be stranger than fiction. If you have questions or doubts while reading, I encourage you to reach out and engage in a dialogue about this unique journey.

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